Q: Over the years, what are some of the best and worst messages or reactions you’ve had directed at you over the creation of Big Chungus? A: I haven't received much hate. The song was made for the PS4 in the meme video game was used by Big Chungus himself, this song was used as a meme for the Playstation 4 and can be sold on certain places.
Big Chungus then takes the Infinity Gauntlet and wants to use it for his own amusement. Thanos then tries to erase Big Chungus with fingersnap, but Big Chungus uses the power of the Uno card on him, causing Thanos to lose the Infinity Gauntlet before disintegrating into dust. Big Chungus discovers that Thanos tries to erase the half of people on Earth, Big Chungus decides to find the weakness to stop Thanos before the latter strikes again once and for all.
Our lives are measured in years and decades. Organic life is nothing but a genetic mutation, an accident.